Tuesday, July 12, 2011

God Moves in Mysterious Ways

God moves in a mysterious way

His wonders to perform;

He plants His footsteps in the sea

And rides upon the storm.

Deep in unfathomable mines

Of never failing skill

He treasures up His bright designs

And works His sov’reign will.

Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;

The clouds ye so much dread

Are big with mercy and shall break

In blessings on your head.

Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,

But trust Him for His grace;

Behind a frowning providence

He hides a smiling face.

His purposes will ripen fast,

Unfolding every hour;

The bud may have a bitter taste,

But sweet will be the flow’r.

Blind unbelief is sure to err

And scan His work in vain;

God is His own interpreter,

And He will make it plain.

By: William Cowper

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My Soul Longs for Thee

My soul longs for Thee, as the Psalmist says, my soul longs for Thee;
But do I truly long for Thee? Sometimes I just don't know.
At times my feet stay put when the Spirit bids me go.

My soul longs for Thee, this I know,
That by Thy Spirit's power I may see that You are ever working in me.
Though Your working aches right to my core,
The refining pain desists when I think of that distant shore.

My soul longs for Thee, and ever shall it still;
Though drought seek to overtake me, ever shall You fill.
When my battered, weary heart cries out for ease,
You respond in loving words, "My child, that is not what you need.
Do not forget, Beloved, that through trials you will see,
that I am sufficient to supply your every need."

My soul longs for Thee, and ever will I see;
That the One who began this good work in me,
will never leave my side through all that be.
Though fiery darts assail upon my faith to test,
I will, one glorious day, hear my Savior say,
"Well done, my child, come find eternal rest."